Brain Walk is an interactive walk through the brain that helps students from kindergarten through grade six learn about the different functions of the brain and about how to keep their brain safe and healthy.
Students participate in Brain Walk through interactive questions, displays, demonstrations, and hands on activities. Students are divided into small groups of 5 or 6 and proceed through several stations.
A Brain Walk consists of the following 10 stations:
Station 1: The Brain & Nerves
Station 2 : Frontal Lobe
Station 3: Parietal Lobe
Station 4: Temporal Lobe
Station 5: Occipital Lobe
Station 6: Cerebellum and Brain Stem
Station 7: What Happens if You Hurt Your Brain?
Station 8: Alcohol, Drugs, and your Brain
Station 9: Keep Your Brain Safe
Station 10: Healthy Minds
What do I need to host a Brain Walk?
The time required for Brain Walk depends on the number of students involved. It takes approximately 70 minutes for a group of 60 students to fully experience Brain Walk. Close to 240 students can participate in a full school day.
Cost: FREE
How do I request Brain Walk for my school?