Other Online Presentations you may find useful:
You may find useful information on this topic under the the resources and podcasts listed on www.tbistafftraining.org under Module 11: Mental Health Problems and TBI.
Crowe, S.F. (2008). Anxiety Disorders. In The behavioural and emotional complications of traumatic brain injury.
MS Jaffee, JE Kennedy, FO Leal, KS Meyer (2011). Post traumatic stress disorder. In J. Silver, T.W. McCallister & S.C. Yudofsky (Eds.) Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury.
Steel, R.T., Macciocchi, S. & Kreutzer, J.S. (2010). Clinical considerations for the diagnosis of major depression after moderate to severe TBI. Head Trauma Rehabilitation, Vol 25 (2), 99 – 112.
Van Reekum, R., Bolago,
Wolkin, A., Malaspina, D., Perrin, M., McCallister, T.W., & Corcoran, C. (2011). Psychotic Disorder. In J.M. Silver, T.W. McCallister & S.C. Yudofsky (Eds.), Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury (2nd Ed).